Donderdag 2 november
Mad Dog Mcrea
19:30 (Doors: 19:00)
Kleine zaal
19:30 (Doors: 19:00) | Kleine zaal


Helaas, dit evenement is afgelast. Lees meer over hoe je je geld terug kan krijgen.

Meer informatie over tickets.
  • Bluegrass
  • Folk
  • Pop
  • Rock

Helaas is de show van Mad Dog Mcrea wegens gezondheidsredenen van de frontman komen te vervallen. Hieronder het statement van zanger Mike:

“Mike from Mad Dog Mcrea here – I’m very sorry to cancel the shows in Holland – we were all so looking forwards to them. Unfortunately I am having health problems with my voice which needs treatment and also I am under a lot of pressure at home which is affecting my mental health. Both are not slight excuses and I would be happy to supply a sick note. 6 days of travelling and touring is not an option for my physical or mental health at the moment.”

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